Mixed Reality Workrooms

Connecting digital workrooms across distance

The physical workroom (left) is replicated in digital form (right), and allows remote collaborators to connect into the shared workspace.
The physical workroom (left) is replicated in digital form (right), and allows remote collaborators to connect into the shared workspace.

People that need to work together are not always collocated, and this presents challenges in how they can communicate, function, and collaborate with one another. In this work, we have been exploring mixed-reality workrooms, where a team has mixed presence – some people are connected via a digital link, while others are physically copresent (missing reference). In these explorations, we have studied how flexible reconfigurations of the space impact communication patterns (Reilly, Echenique, Wu, Tang, & Edwards, 2015; Reilly, Tang, Wu, Echenique, Massey, Mathiasen, Mazalek, & Edwards, 2011), and how we can enable navigation strategies for virtual spaces (Wu, Reilly, Tang, & Mazalek, 2011).


  1. Derek Reilly, Andy Echenique, Andy Wu, Anthony Tang, and Keith Edwards. (2015). Mapping out Work in a Mixed Reality Project Room. In CHI 2015: Proceedings of the 2015 SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, 887–896. (conference).
  2. Derek Reilly, Anthony Tang, Andy Wu, Andy Echenique, Jonathan Massey, Niels Mathiasen, Ali Mazalek, and W. Keith Edwards. (2011). Organic UIs in Cross-Reality Spaces. In Second International Workshop on Organic User Interfaces at TEI 2011. (Girouard, Audrey and Vertegaal, Roel and Poupyrev, Ivan, Eds.) (workshop).
  3. Andy Wu, Derek Reilly, Anthony Tang, and Ali Mazalek. (2011). Tangible navigation and object manipulation in virtual environments. In TEI ’11: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction, ACM, 37–44. (conference).
    Acceptance: 32% - 65/203.