Supporting Awareness in Mixed Presence Groupware
Anthony Tang and Saul Greenberg. (2005). Supporting Awareness in Mixed Presence Groupware. In Awareness Systems: Known Results, Theory, Concepts and Future Challenges - Workshop at CHI 2005.
Mixed presence groupware (MPG) is software that connects both collocated and distributed collaborators together in a shared visual workspace. Our early study of this new genre is that people focus their collaborative energy on collocated partners at the expense of remote partners, which imbalances collaboration. We call this problem presence disparity, caused by the imbalance of awareness exuded by virtual embodiments versus actual people. VideoArms is an embodiment technique that mitigates presence disparity by enhancing awareness of remote collaborators in a mixed presence workspace. We describe how VideoArms works, and the design principles behind its construction
PDF File (
Mixed presence groupware, awareness, consequential communication, embodiments, gestures
author = {Tang, Anthony and Greenberg, Saul},
booktitle = {Awareness Systems: Known Results, Theory, Concepts and Future Challenges
- Workshop at CHI 2005},
date-added = {2014-01-22 04:45:45 +0000},
date-modified = {2014-01-22 04:49:06 +0000},
editor = {Markopoulos, Paulos and Ruyter, Boris De and Mackay, Wendy},
keywords = {Mixed presence groupware, awareness, consequential communication, embodiments,
pdfurl = {},
title = {Supporting Awareness in Mixed Presence Groupware},
type = {workshop},
url = {},
year = {2005},
bdsk-url-1 = {}