Supporting Chronic Headache Patientswith Visual Analytics

S. M. Waliur Rahman, Rahul Kamal Bhaskar, Frank Maurer, and Anthony Tang. (2014). Supporting Chronic Headache Patientswith Visual Analytics. In PVA 2014: A Personal Perspective on Visualization and Visual Analytics - Workshop at DIS 2014.


Usually chronic headache patients are advised by their care providers to track their headache episodes in apaper or electronic diary. These diaries are primarilyused for information extraction by clinicians to prepareproper treatment plan. Patients are generallydependent on clinician?s advices to improve theirconditions. However, we hypothesize that with help ofvisual trends and analyses of chronic conditions as aform of personal informatics, patients will beempowered to manage their own conditions. We propose innovative analytics based interactivevisualizations revealing hidden chronic patterns afteranalyzing limitations of previous work in this area anddemonstrate how these visualizations can help patientsby providing meaningful insights. We intend to carryout qualitative research involving real chronic patients to verify our hypothesis


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  author = {Rahman, S. M. Waliur and Bhaskar, Rahul Kamal and Maurer, Frank and Tang, Anthony},
  year = {2014},
  title = {Supporting Chronic Headache Patientswith Visual Analytics},
  booktitle = {PVA 2014: A Personal Perspective on Visualization and Visual Analytics
      - Workshop at DIS 2014},
  editor = {Carpendale, Sheelagh and Tory, Melanie and Tang, Anthony},
  pdfurl = {},
  type = {workshop}