Tourgether360: Collaborative Exploration of 360 Tour Videos using Pseudo-Spatial Navigation

Kartikaeya Kumar, Lev Poretski, Jiannan Li, and Anthony Tang. (2022). Tourgether360: Collaborative Exploration of 360 Tour Videos using Pseudo-Spatial Navigation. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) 6, CSCW2.


Remote teleoperation is an important robot control method when they cannot operate fully autonomously. Yet, teleoperation presents challenges to effective and full robot utilization: controls are cumbersome, inefficient, and the teleoperator needs to actively attend to the robot and its environment. Inspired by end-user programming, we propose a new interaction paradigm to support robot teleoperation for combinations of repetitive and complex movements. We introduce Mimic, a system that allows teleoperators to demonstrate and save robot trajectories as templates, and re-use them to execute the same action in new situations. Templates can be re-used through (1) macros—parametrized templates assigned to and activated by buttons on the controller, and (2) programs—sequences of parametrized templates that operate autonomously. A user study in a simulated environment showed that after initial set up time, participants completed manipulation tasks faster and more easily compared to traditional direct control.


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  author = {Kumar, Kartikaeya and Poretski, Lev and Li, Jiannan and Tang, Anthony},
  title = { Tourgether360: Collaborative Exploration of 360 Tour Videos using Pseudo-Spatial Navigation},
  journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI)},
  volume = {6, CSCW2},
  article = { 546 },
  pdfurl = {},
  videourl = {},
  year = {2022},
  type = {conference},
  url = {},
  doi = {}