Description of a Prototype for a Social Awareness System Used During Dinner

Catherine Grevet, Anthony Tang, and Elizabeth Mynatt. (2012). Description of a Prototype for a Social Awareness System Used During Dinner. In Food and Interaction Design - Workshop at CHI 2012.


We aim to explore the inherent social qualities around food consumption and the potential role of social systems in the kitchen. We present a prototype called FoodApp that allows a group of friends to share each other’s dinnertime activities. This system is informed by prior work in domestic computing, social computing and technology probes design. The main features of the system are to support lightweight social cues about cooking and eating activity, as well as support for activity coincidences. Future studies of this system will explore whether social connectedness in the kitchen can encourage positive behaviors around food.


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Social computing, HCI, Food, Awareness


  author = {Grevet, Catherine and Tang, Anthony and Mynatt, Elizabeth},
  booktitle = {Food and Interaction Design - Workshop at CHI 2012},
  date-added = {2014-01-18 23:25:40 +0000},
  date-modified = {2014-01-18 23:28:23 +0000},
  editor = {Comber, Rob and Ganglbauer, Eva and Choi, Jaz Hee-jeong and Hoonhout, Jettie and Rogers, Yvonne and O'Hara, Kenton and Maitland, Julie},
  keywords = {Social computing, HCI, Food, Awareness},
  pdfurl = {},
  title = {Description of a Prototype for a Social Awareness System Used During Dinner},
  type = {workshop},
  year = {2012}