Towards Next-Generation Remote Physiotherapy with Videoconferencing Tools
Kody Dillman and Anthony Tang. (2013). Towards Next-Generation Remote Physiotherapy with Videoconferencing Tools. Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary.
Many common injuries can be treated effectively withphysiotherapy, but getting access to this treatment isdifficult for those living in remote or rural locations. Tohelp formulate design requirements for next-generationtools for supporting remote physiotherapy (i.e.telerehabilitation), we conducted design sessions with fivepracticing physiotherapists. We developed three technologyprobes as prompts for these discussions, helping us to gainan understanding of physiotherapists’ activities andcommunication practices. Our analysis shows thattelerehabilitation tools should be specifically designed toaddress communication and work in relation to clients’physical bodies, and that visual communication can beenhanced through augmentation to videoconferencing toolsand accessible hardware to account for a lack of tactilecommunication.
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Videoconferencing Tools, Telerehabilitation
author = {Dillman, Kody and Tang, Anthony},
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citation_authors = {Tang, Anthony; Dillman, Kody},
citation_date = {2013-09-25},
citation_keywords = {Remote Physiotherapy, injuries; Technical Report},
citation_language = {eng},
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citation_title = {Towards Next-Generation Remote Physiotherapy with Videoconferencing
date-added = {2014-01-16 05:18:04 +0000},
date-modified = {2014-01-16 05:27:39 +0000},
dc.identifier = {2013-1048-15},
dc.language = {eng},
dc.type = {Technical Report},
dcterms.available = {2013-09-25T19:34:33Z},
dcterms.dateaccepted = {2013-09-25T19:34:33Z},
dcterms.issued = {2013-09-25},
generator = {DSpace},
institution = {University of Calgary},
keywords = {Videoconferencing Tools, Telerehabilitation},
month = sep,
number = {2013-1048-15},
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publisher = {Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary},
title = {Towards Next-Generation Remote Physiotherapy with Videoconferencing Tools},
type = {techreport},
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year = {2013},
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